Former NFL Cheerleader and Founder of The Dime Series, Michelle Russo, Debutes New on-line series, Diming Out and WE COOK TOGETHER

Michelle and I met just before we opened the shop when she was with Feast Magazine, here in St. Louis. Being “foodies-in health”, if you will, we talked about what foods can do to impact health. She was newly engaged (Hi Joe!!) and was having some pretty interesting reactions to foods she was eating. What was suppose to be a really great time in her life was, in fact, challenging. So, she found a physician who ran several tests and offered her an extensive list of red (no!), yellow (sometimes), and green (yes, yes, yes!) foods that she should navigate around.

Using that system, her challenge for us was to EASILY cook up something that she could replicate at home A-N-D Joe had to like it, too. She asked us to stick to the green light foods as much as we could, only sparingly using the yellow and staying far away from the red.

Challenge accepted, Michelle!

Did Joe like it???

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Center for Plant Based Living Puts Down Roots In Kirkwood
