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Plants v. Pandemic - An Immune Boosting Educational Series (class 1 of 4)

By now we fully understand that no one is immune to COVID-19, but research is coming out that people with compromised immune systems are at a higher risk of holding on to the illness once infected. Most chronic illnesses are dubbed food-illnesses as they can be brought on by diet choices. What a time to learn! As a certified Food-for-Life instructor who studied under Dr. Neal Barnard of the Physicians Committee for Responsible Medicine, these classes have been carefully chosen from the PCRM library to help you better understand the the power you have over your health. Change begins now.

Join us in this virtual 4-series program where in each class, you will watch a video from Dr. Barnard, watch a live cooking lesson with 2-3 recipes demonstrated and receive the recipes and supplemental official PCRM educational and support materials.

  • Class 1: June 15 - Immune Boosting Foods

  • Class 2: June 18 - Foods for a Healthy Heart

  • Class 3: June 22 - Healthy Blood Pressure

  • Class 4: June 25 - Maximum Weight Control

All classes start at 6:00pm CDT and will run 75-90 minutes depending upon class discussion.

We will broadcast via ZOOM and 24 hours before the first class begins, you will receive the ZOOM invite and materials for all four classes.

This is sold as a program and single class sessions are not available for sale at this time. There are no partial or full refunds or rain checks. If you cannot log in for a session, please send someone in your place who you think would like the information. Because this is a certified Physicians Committee for Responsible Medicine class, we are unable to record the information for future use.

Students enrolled in this program will be offered the chance to win a VitaMix, directly from the VitaMix corporation. This giveaway is open to all certified Food-For-Life programs (like this one), offered around the country. The drawing is in late August.

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May 17

The Finale! Plant-based quarantine cooking show #15

June 18

Plants v. Pandemic - An Immune Boosting Educational Series (class 2 of 4)